Jul 30, 2024

Ashby x CandorIQ Integration: What This Means for Your CandorIQ Experience

How partnering with Ashby impacts the candidate offer workflow

Ashby x CandorIQ Integration: What This Means for Your CandorIQ Experience

Ashby x CandorIQ Integration: What This Means for Your CandorIQ Experience

How partnering with Ashby impacts the candidate offer workflow

Earlier this week, we announced an exciting—and highly requested—integration with Ashby. We shared some key points and how-tos, but I wanted to take a moment to share some more about why this integration is important and how it could impact the CandorIQ user experience.

The Goal of the Candidate Offer Workflow

The primary goal of this integration is to streamline creating the best offers for candidates. With CandorIQ’s candidate offer experience, top talent has a clear understanding of the package your organization is offering—and not just the financial aspects. 

“In the candidate experience, money and equity are obviously important, but the ‘why’ behind joining a new team is much more than just the financials,” explains CandorIQ CEO, Haris Ikram. “We want to get people excited about joining a company; help them get a glimpse of what it will feel like to be a part of the team, to work towards that mission.”

If you’re an Ashby user, they will still serve as the system of record for the recruiting process, this integration won’t replace that. Instead, by partnering with Ashby, CandorIQ streamlines the offer creation process. Helping HR leaders and hiring managers keep the focus on finding the right talent and getting them to join the team with the best offer and experience .

Why Is This Integration Important?

There are two key reasons this integration is a no-brainer:

  1. Accuracy and Reduction of Human Error By automating data transfer between Ashby and CandorIQ, we’re able to minimize the risk of manual errors that happen with manual entry.
  2. Time Savings The integration saves significant time for recruiters, hiring managers, and other stakeholders by streamlining processes and reducing the need for repetitive data entry.

How Does This Integration Impact Our User Experience?

The CandorIQ/Ashby integration is a huge step toward reducing the reliance on spreadsheets and manual processes that bottleneck the candidate offer workflow. It enhances the user experience by creating a more connected workflow between recruiting, compensation management, and headcount planning. Helping you focus more on bringing in and retaining the best talent.

Why Did We Partner with Ashby?

There are many ATS and recruiting softwares out there—and we can actually integrate with many of them—but why are we especially excited to partner so closely with Ashby? Like CandorIQ, Ashby focuses on more than just siloed use cases—with their ATS and robust analytics, they offer a comprehensive recruiting solution. We both prioritize user experience and efficiency, and that natural overlap in our missions made this partnership an obvious choice.

If you’re not an Ashby user, nothing will change about your current CandorIQ setup. However, if you’re on the market for a new ATS, maybe this partnership will nudge you to explore what Ashby has to offer. 

To learn more about what their all-in-one recruiting platform combined with our robust compensation management and headcount planning platform could mean for your org, schedule a call with our team today. 

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