Eliminate Spreadsheet Hassles

CandorIQ’s Comp Builder provides a single, centralized location to create, update, and manage your org’s pay ranges and levels. No more copy-pasting from sheets for every hire or pay discussion with managers.

“With CandorIQ, HR and Finance can finally collaborate much more effectively and dynamically with people managers to ensure that their orgs are effective, budgets are maintained, and most importantly, their people are engaged and motivated.”

Image of Arjen Mackaaij
Arjen Mackaaij
CHRO @ Rain

Access your job architecture within a single system

Designed to be your all-in-one tool for pay ranges and job levels, Comp Builder give you everything you need to manage job architecture without the hassle of spreadsheets.

Build & update pay ranges easily with in the platform or by file upload

Give role-based access

Leave notes & comments

Image of Comments being made for the Comp Builder
Image highlighting the mid, min, max of the market data

Modernize your global pay strategy

Your workforce deserves a comp strategy as unique as they are. Tailor your pay bands and job architecture with every country and geo in mind.

Country and geo-based pay

See pay progression & compression

Compare pay bands with global market data

Promote your people process