Here’s an overview and how-to for everything you need to know to use your Ashby job opening integration.
Ashby is an all-in-one recruiting platform that helps companies of all sizes efficiently scale. Their customizable Applicant Tracking System (ATS) provides features to streamline hiring from pipeline and sourcing all the way through the offer.
CandorIQ and Ashby are both next gen solutions that share the vision of bringing analytics and a streamlined experience to their users, so a partnership between our companies just makes sense. By integrating with Ashby, CandorIQ customers can now bring their new hire data directly into their compensation management and headcount planning platform.
New to the suite of CandorIQ x Ashby integrations, you can now create a job opening using CandorIQ’s Headcount Approvals tool and push it directly to your Ashby account. Located in the Headcount Approval workflow, this integration helps when creating offers when the headcount or backfill is approved in CandorIQ.
If you’ve already set up your integration, feel free to skip to the next step!
Thanks to our direct partnership with Ashby, setting up your integration is extremely easy. Simply find Ashby in the Integrations tab of your CandorIQ Settings and enter your API key.
From your CandorIQ homepage: Settings → Integrations → Explore Providers: Ashby → Connect → Enter API Key → Save
Use the Approvals tab in the Headcount section of the CandorIQ platform to manage your job requests and approvals.
When setting up new headcount (before the approval process), simply fill out the information as you normally would, then select the relevant job ID in the Ashby integration section. If the job ID doesn’t automatically populate, you can do a manual search.
From your CandorIQ homepage: Headcount → Approvals → Requests → Add (Create Headcount) → Fill out job information → Ashby Integration → Select correct Job ID → Submit For Approval
When approving new headcount edit the job in review and collaborate with your team as necessary. When you’re ready to approve, simply click Approve as Admin and Create an Ashby Job Opening.
From your CandorIQ homepage: Headcount → Approvals → Locate the correct job and select the “...” → Edit → Approve as Admin → Create an Ashby Job Opening
The process is designed to be very straightforward and self-serve, but if you find yourself needing support, please reach out to your technical support specialist.